When starting a business in the Netherlands but don’t have all the knowhow yet, you can contact the Dike international company. They can assist you in whatever you need to start your company within 5 working days. You don’t have to travel to the Netherlands, but can open your company from a distance.


Services offered by the Dike international company for new business owners

– opening of the company                                           costs; euro 950,- on time fee

– registered office in the Netherlands                    costs; euro 90,- a month

– assistance with opening a Dutch bank account for your company

– obtaining the required VAT- and EORI number

– overall accountancy- and secretary services.

Also, the Dike company has a strong high quality network, so they can provide you the best notaries, accountants, tax specialists and bank contacts. If you like to know what other services the company has to offer or more information about their attractive all-in prices, please contact Dike international by email, phone or by filling in their online contact form.