Pasajes aereos baratos, or cheap flight tickets, are demanded more and more nowadays. Over the years the price of a flight ticket has dropped a lot. It has dropped around 180 dollars from 1990 till now. In 2020 you can fly to London from Amsterdam for 20 bucks. This makes it possible for almost everyone to see the world.
The cheapest airlines
Visit pasajes aereos baratos to compare hundreds of different airlines and their flights. Pasajes aereos is, as you might have guessed, a Spanish company. Don’t let that scare you though! They list flights from different airlines all around the world. That means you can take off and land at any destination you select.
The great benefit of booking a flight through pasajes aereos baratos is the fact that they compare prices for the same flight between different airlines. Once it has checked all the prices, it will spit out a list for you where you will find the cheapest flight available for your selected departure time and location and your selected destination.
Flying during COVID-19
The coronavirus has ruined a lot of holiday plans for people around the globe. Thankfully, some countries are once again starting to allow tourism. Please beware that a lot of countries have opened up their borders for tourism, but haven’t prepared for dealing with tourism. When booking a flight, please keep in mind the safety measures taken by the country you’re planning to fly to.
Keep in mind that some countries, like Greece, place healthy people in self-quarantine for a week upon arrival.